HFC Seniors Membership Season 2023/24

Club Rules and Policy
Vision and Values
Codes of Conduct

Please complete the required fields and submit the form.

HFC Seniors Membership Form

Players Details

If this was Hutton please enter Hutton FC
Format: 07789555678 (No Spaces)
Hutton FC will store your e-mail address on a secure server and not pass to any other parties. You will be only contacted in conjunction with club business.
Maximum upload size: 5MB
Upload a selfie (a clear photo of head and shoulders) For the best results, please select a high quality image and do not take a picture of your Passport picture as that will not be accepted. Only .png, .jpeg, and .jpg files are supported. This photo will be used for the Whole Game System and will be removed from our systems after 21 days as per GDPR policy.
Teams Registering For: *
Players are NOT crossed signed for MEFL and EOFL teams unless specified. Players should only register if this is in agreement with the Manager of the Team you're registering for.
I agree to be bound by and observe the Hutton FC Club Rules (link above) Codes of Conduct (link above) and the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association and County Football Association, and all competitions in which the Club participates. I consent to disclosure by County Football Association. Hutton FC have the right to cancel your registration if money is not paid for membership or fines. I confirm by agreeing to this consent that I'm not currently on a contract with a Semi Professional or Professional Club.
Please sign the form