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  • Hutton FC

Codes of Conduct

All those involved with the game at every level and whether as a player, match official, coach, owner or administrator, have a responsibility, above and beyond compliance with the law, to act according to the highest standards of integrity, and to ensure that the reputation of the game is, and remains, high. This code applies to all those involved in football under the auspices of Hutton F.C. and The Football Association.

Hutton FC supports the FA’s Code of Respect!

Click on the titles below to read more about codes of conduct.

  • Supporters & Parents/Carers

    We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game.

    This club is supporting The FA’s Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment.

    Remember children’s football is a time for them to develop their technical, physical, tactical and social skills. Winning isn’t everything.

    Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for spectators and parents/carers at all times.

    I will:

    -Remember that children play for FUN

    -Applaud effort and good play as well as success

    -Always respect the match officials’ decisions

    -Remain outside the field of play and within the Designated Spectators’ Area (where provided)

    -Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do

    -Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials

    -Avoid criticising a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning

    -Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour.

    I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA, league or The FA:

    I may be:

    -Issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official

    -Required to meet with the club, league or County FA Welfare Officer

    -Required to meet with the club committee

    -Obliged to undertake an FA education course

    -Obliged to leave the match venue by the club

    -Requested by the club not to attend future games

    -Suspended or have my club membership removed

    -Required to leave the club along with any dependents.

    In addition:

    -The FA/County FA could impose a fine and/ or suspension on the club.

    Club Welfare Officer: Kathryn Tye …….kathryntye@huttonfc.com

  • Coaches, Managers & Club Officials


    Adhere to Club Values at all times.

    OUR VALUES            


    We treat our teammates, opponents, officials, and club members, respectfully.


    We act in a fair, consistent, and transparent manner.


    We (players, managers, parents, volunteers, and committee members) work and collaborate both on and off the pitch; this is our club.


    We promote and deliver an environment for all to enjoy the game of football.


    We strive to be the best in all that we do; the way we play, engage with others, and promote the values of our club.

    I WILL,

    -Use my position to set a positive example for the young people I am responsible for.

    -Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers, officials, and spectators.

    -Show respect to other Hutton Managers and Coaches, the Club’s Football Management Committee and Trustees.

    -Not engage in any form of abuse either verbally, on e-mail or on social media, what’s app etc

    -Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game.

    -Promote Fair Play and high standards of behaviour.

    -Respect the match official’s decision.

    -Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission

    -Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour

    -Be gracious in victory and defeat.


    -Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning

    -Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying

    -Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance

    -Ensure all activities I organize are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity

    -Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers) for each player’s best interests.

    I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:

    I MAY BE:

    -Required to meet with the Club, League or County Welfare Officer

    -Suspended by the Club from attending matches

    -Suspended or fined by the County FA

    -Required to leave or be removed from my position within the Club.


    -My FA Coaching License may be withdrawn.